30 Ekim 2016 Pazar

RHYTHM (Exercise 7a)

 We were asked for find a 2d artwork related to thythm and explain what we see what is it like. Thus, this artwork from Stephen Stum and Jason Hallman, is showing us what is the rhythm and what would it be like in the artwork. There are many convolutions and turns which make repetitions and rhythm by altering the sizes of each turn. There is no other rule except for the curves and filling these empty parts. What I mean is that, artist didn't want us to see repetition of exactly the same things which would be also rhythm. But, as the songs which have boring and annoying rhythms, this would be similar, as well. Also, the artist used some spaces between the curves. But they are not the same spaces. These spaces describe height or wideth in terms of visuality. That is, when you look at this drawing, you don't feel it is a 2d work. This picture pulls you inside itsellf. I mean, we are falling under this artwork's spell while looking at this which also strengthens the way he describe rhythm..

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