We were asked for 2d work of art as dominance and contrast. Therefore, I wanted to begin with dominance example. As you see, there is a drawing sample which I preferred and enjoyed. Firstly, what I see in this sample is that there are three,which can be seen, circles and more than three ellipses which are conclusion of interlocked circles. That is, these interlocked circles form a small number of figures. The white one is approximately in the middle of paper. And this figure ,which is like an egg, seems like the head of all figures in the drawing. Also the circle in the white figure has no rotated shadow. On the other hand, other two circles has shadows as if the very middle circle is beaming. And the lines which seperate and shape these all figures seem like three dimentional objects. Hence, the artist of this working wants us to see there is a dominance established by the circle which is located in the middle of this working. Also, we can say the artist has reached her purpose. We can easily say, the white place and circle in it dominates all the figures as the sun dominates planets.
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