30 Ekim 2016 Pazar

RHYTHM (Exercise 7a)

 We were asked for find a 2d artwork related to thythm and explain what we see what is it like. Thus, this artwork from Stephen Stum and Jason Hallman, is showing us what is the rhythm and what would it be like in the artwork. There are many convolutions and turns which make repetitions and rhythm by altering the sizes of each turn. There is no other rule except for the curves and filling these empty parts. What I mean is that, artist didn't want us to see repetition of exactly the same things which would be also rhythm. But, as the songs which have boring and annoying rhythms, this would be similar, as well. Also, the artist used some spaces between the curves. But they are not the same spaces. These spaces describe height or wideth in terms of visuality. That is, when you look at this drawing, you don't feel it is a 2d work. This picture pulls you inside itsellf. I mean, we are falling under this artwork's spell while looking at this which also strengthens the way he describe rhythm..

25 Ekim 2016 Salı

Exercise 3

           We were wanted to make the same thing but by using 5 extra figures,which are triangles. So I made a more complicated one. While doing this design, I used 2 same groups and 1 different group which can be regarded as A group and B group.

But, after I completed the whole, this unity enable me to realize that there is nat construction method and it looks like a lineer thing which is bad. Also connections were too week. But I think the rest is good. I mean the proportion and order are included properly.

Exercise 2

    This time we were asked for make an abstarct 3d design, as well as the previous one. But there was a must to make order and proportion in addition to the last one. So I made such a thing that it stands up and holds still.

         Also as you see, a lot of dimentions are used which are not using the same axis. And this is important for making an real 3D design. But there was a little bit issue. When you look at unit of upper three triangles, then you are gonna see too close structure,which they don't like. It was good experience to learn it by doing such a work.

24 Ekim 2016 Pazartesi

Exercise 1

     In the first exercise, we were asked for make a 3D design with 9 planar elements of 9x9 cm which are made up of 2mm corrugated cardboards. Also we weren't allowed to use any sort of glue. Thus, we were allowed to slit some parts of these elements so that they can hold each other.

                                                                                                                                                           I just sketched the draft which is created in my mind, and started to make this design.When I completed the whole model it was just like pattern and human being which is not good Also, there were some lack of construction information due to my background. But it is not a big obstacle, it just can be dealed with after making two or three models, I think. 


        We were asked for make an 3-D abstract organization by using the scrab materials. Also we are expected to explain the underlying rationale behind my work. And here it comes,

        I used polystyrene as a ground and the center of all the parts so that the unit can be stand like something strong. And, I used straight and small parts of umbrella as a sign of something philosophical. In addition, I used skeleton of helicopter toy by cutting or by breaking it off for the same purpose, as well. Eventually, as a whole they are representing some thoughts and ideas.

               And completing the design, I noticed that the words which I indicated in the previous passage are the things that they don't want us to use. Therefore, I saw my faults. The base should not be contained in abstract organizations and there should not be any kind of ideational meanings in my abstract designs. There should be another meanings out of these thoughts. Also there should not be any kind of base ,which reminds us concrete objects.

23 Ekim 2016 Pazar

HİERARCHY (Exercise 6a)


     In this drawing, anyone can see what he wants. Yet, I am seeing and observing that there are a big hierarchy and just a little dominance in this artwork. The dominance is a little because of the objects' location. They are too close to each other in terms of height. Therefore, the upmost one is not dominating the whole in terms of its size or position. It is just symbolazing that the border of this drawing comes after the top object. Also, I can't say that this object is dominating nothing. It is dominating the following two objects. And these two objects are dominating other objects as if this complement is a pattern. Still, it is not actually. This principle,hierarchy, is associated with dominance ;but there is more than dominance in the hierarchy. İn hierarchy, as the artist of this artwork described, each element or object dominates a small number of objects. All objects are dominant and auxiliary at the same time except for the upmost and undermost. And, also, in this drawing, the artist wanted us to see that every element is essential as well as every parts are of vital importance in each hierarchy sample.

19 Ekim 2016 Çarşamba

CONTRAST (Exercise 5a)



        There is my second research about 2d contrast work of art. But, it's a tricky one. When you look at it, you might see 2 diffirent kind of drawing. From the one, only his back can be seen. On the other hand, in the another one, you can see a man's face which is drawn from the right side of this man. This work is not only tricky but also it includes logic and comprehend inside. And it plays with our minds. In my opinion, the purpose which is wanted to give us is that the artist of this painting aimed to astonish us. Putting two paintings into the one painting is surprising, actually.

                                                                                                Olay Shuplyak ,from Ukraine.

DOMİNANCE (Exercise 5a)


       We were asked for 2d work of art as dominance and contrast. Therefore, I wanted to begin with dominance example. As you see, there is a drawing sample which I preferred and enjoyed. Firstly, what I see in this sample is that there are three,which can be seen, circles and more than three ellipses which are conclusion of interlocked circles. That is, these interlocked circles form a small number of figures. The white one is approximately in the middle of paper. And this figure ,which is like an egg, seems like the head of all figures in the drawing. Also the circle in the white figure has no rotated shadow. On the other hand, other two circles has shadows as if the very middle circle is beaming. And the lines which seperate and shape these all figures seem like three dimentional objects. Hence, the artist of this working wants us to see there is a dominance established by the circle which is located in the middle of this working. Also, we can say the artist has reached her purpose. We can easily say, the white place and circle in it dominates all the figures as the sun dominates planets.